MYOB is Australia’s market leading accounting software program and it’s a great place to start improving your employability. Once you learn how to use the software, we have a learning path to higher levels of education and we want to help you in the process towards gaining a nationally recognised qualification in bookkeeping.
EzyLearn Pty Ltd has partnered with RTO’s (Registered Training Organisations) to provide you with the tools you need on your journey towards becoming a Certified bookkeeper or a Registered BAS Agent.
[box type=”tick”]Inquire with us to join and we will assess your skills and experience, create your digital profile and provide you with ongoing training for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Get a Member Certificate for your resume and stand out and get recognised by employers. Our training course resources will provide you with an educational resource whether you perform bookkeeping as a contractor or employee or are a small business owner.[/box]
Read on below for more information about Nationally Recognised Training Qualifications in Bookkeeping.
Nationally Recognised Certificates
The National Training Information Service (NTIS) is an Australian Government service which clearly defines the “Units of Competency” in a given qualificiation and there are currently two qualifications to strive for if you want to be a fully qualified Bookkeeper. FNS20407: Certificate IV in Financial Services (Bookkeeping) or the newest qualification FNS20410: Certificate IV in Bookkeeping.
For the most recent qualification there are 13 Units of Competency which need to be achieved: 9 Core units and 4 electives.
The NTIS website provides further guidance as to the most appropriate electives to choose depending on how you wish to use your qualification.
We are currently working on aligning our training material with assessment tools that are used to determine whether you are either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC) and in conjunction with our RTO Partners you can receive a Nationally-Recognised Statement of Attainment, Certificate for Partial Completion of a Course — and even your Certificate IV in Bookkeeping.
Get started on your bookkeeping journey with one online training course and resources that includes all existing content, newly-created content and updates and a money back guarantee!
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